
Jim Albanese


May 24, 2013

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Brian and Geoff,

It’s been about 4 months since your team was onsite at 435 York Blvd (Albanese Branding expanded building) erecting walls, installing trusses and generally solving construction challenges as they came along.

There has not been a week in the past few months that I have not thought about how fortunate I was to have you both and your team on my project. You and your crew came on site and immediately impressed me with your amazing work ethic. However, it was over the three month period working with you on site that I really came to know and appreciate your integrity, commitment to doing things right, your construction intelligence, even your communication with your team and the cooperation with me and other contractors that leads me to believe that you guys are at the top of your class.

I see clearly why you are successful and am proud to know and recommend two fine brothers … the Schuit Brothers and your team.

I wish you years of success and look forward to working with you again in the future.

All the very best,

Jim Albanese


Albanese & Associates Inc.


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